SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Squid your reads rn

You are good as finished, at least Blue Dragon will be more pacifist than Brotherhood

Night 1: Serve wine to Midonik
Night 2: Concentrated Wine
Night 3: Serve wine to Livicus


It’s no use lying.

When the warlock visits, and they aren’t immune.

Yolo party= Lynch for today

Convenient isn’t it?

Wait she didn’t even visit livi

@midonik16 were you even occupied N1?

N1 is real


Luxy has point by the way, I rather use her as my personal white knight.

It was confirmed yesterday that Mido was prevented N1 from checking me

I followed livi last night and you didn’t visit him too bad you’re ded

I don’t want Frost to decide who Unseen kill at night. I bet he’ll choose me because OMGUS

She’s got occupy immunity

Chill bro, stay frosty.

I thought he’s assassin now?

this means shurian isn’t the mastermind or the assassin.

Cause who would chsck an outted drunk claim

Starting Butler keeps occ immunity forever in ToL, idk if it’s the same in FoL

I’m not sure if it carries over or not

I already confirmed shurian is good