SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

“Neutral Evil can roll as either Sellsword, Devil or Scorned.”

Looks like you are right, NE is still out there.

NE is most likely Sellsword tbh

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Get me some Taco Bell and I’ll tell you where I get the good stuff

the only way I am seeker is if I was converted

Wait did they remove sellsword

Eh, both of them are townreads for me.

Then explain why you were defending Maxi so hard?

brother i need the drugs now

You also said I’m not confirmed town sooo

I don’t think Alice’s opinion matters here

I’m starving here and the only thing to fill my craving is Taco Bell!

Accused Voters Count
Squid Marg, FK, Shurian, astand :crown:, midonik, Noz, Sketch, Bazinga 9

Majority is 11. I - W a n t - D e a t h s

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Fakeclaims NK the entire game.


Complains about people not townreading you.


Yeah I sorta think Noz is something expendable by claiming Poss here.

/vote Squid I’d say the lack of a visit is quite condemning

I wouldn’t mind being peeked actually

Alice is village, don’t touch her.

Disappointed you didn’t make a meme for this Alice

Confirms current unseen team, claims the most confirmable class in this game and also the most convert-hoping class in the game

Imagine if Max wasn’t a failure in life and actually converted me

also my littlebird target didnt leave their room I believe I found hunter or prince so I dont want to out them

Hey Celeste can you heal me for a cookie since I’m bleeding?

The last time that happened, BD locked a fool as town(which wasn’t actually that bad)

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gladly there is no fool here