SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

also I changed my mind on my peek

ok if I get you taco bell squid will you be hyped for bama @ lsu?

Have you realized that he could have been converted N3 or later on? I still don’t trust him as King



you are confirmed evil you can start openwolfing

omg thanks.
i seriously think I’m the only person here who cares about college football lol

Fate Voters Count
Fall in a Ditch Firekitten, hjasik, Noz, astand, Geyde 5
Taken out the Ditch No one… it’s lonely… 0


hey squid want to make a deal so I vote pardon on you

What’s the deal, bucko?

Even if I think hjaisk isn’t scum we can policy lynch him no?

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you will princess carry me and I will vote pardon deal ?

That was when she was pretending to be Lich for an hour or so.

why do you want to policy lynch me

How do I princess carry?


you just pick me up as if I was a princess

Hammer innocent, huh? Great choice

Picks you up
To the carriage!

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