SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I cannot be scorned/devil.

Simple as that.

Yeah I changed it to scorned/vi

I can’t even be scorned

Are you Cult then?

PKR used both Follow and Peek, unless the Cult has a second Seeker I don’t think PKR would be a Seeker. Also if there is still an Assassin alive then it can only be Frost.

@Shurian CS @Frostwolf103 and Frost should redirect Shurian to Captain. If Frost is an Assassin he’ll be wide open to Shurian’s attack and if not then he’ll survive. This should auto-resolve.

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Alice… peek can be easily faked.

No, but Ici now is.

Alice is cult.

Sup N5 convert

He knew that Captain was a neutral.

PKR cannot be a starting Cultist as a Seeker cannot have both Peek and Follow.

Peek can easily be faked my dude. Sup N5 convert

Seeker has 2 cult alt points.

Furthermore, why would PKR peek Sam instead of Following him to see his convert?

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Obviously this would all be null and void if sam flips scum but I think Sam will flip town tbh

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Ici/Pkr/Alice scum team for cult

Less sure on Alice than the rest

Frost is assasin which WE SHOULD LET LIVE.

One scary scumteam

Then explain how PKR knew that Captain was a neutral?

Do you even understand how Cult Points work? Cultists cannot pick both night actions for their class. If PKR has a proven peek and a proven follow then he has used both abilities and ergo cannot be a starting Seeker.

Why don’t you answer the second question?

He had to know it another way my dude

Well if Ici is Paladin > Seeker he would be able to faction peek because Paladin cult alt iirc

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