SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I havent read >_<
And uhh… okay? Okay?

I can prove myself by preventing shurian from killing frostwolf tonight

This would definitely be in our best interest

Sounds like something we definitely need right now

Nah Nee?

The sudden silence scares me
Why vote sam tho?

These may be the reason

Then we have good reason to go in then
Dont think we can discredit those, especially after everything PKR has shown us. (He had me on the logs so yeah)
But if Sam flips BD I have to applaud them, they have an observer-convert somewhere and is hiding in the background.

If Sam flips BD then we supposedly get another trial. There has been, supposedly, a bounty on Sam. From Nerbins I think?

Basically, if Sam flips town:

Scumteam is Ici/PKR/Alice

Or at least that is the assumption

@Nerbins or @BlueStorm did you bounty Sam?

Nerbins said they bountied Sam

I think I saw somewhere of Ici/pkr/mido scumteam

Thing is why those 3 tho

These are their claims
Uhh why again?

I was hesitant about using CS on Alice because just seemed to be hiding something.
Is this a gamesolve?

Bluestorm is very dead

Someone who made the same mistake! Hoorah!

Mido is trustworthy enough.

Alice has been hard defending PKR and (pretty sure) Ici

Can Prince change his jail in the case that there is no bounty? Or is that too late?

Actually, @Sketch jail Nerbins and if there’s no bounty on Sam and Sam is BD then just exe lol

And if there is a bounty then he’s clean for now

No no I dont mean scum tells
Ici maybe
But the other two I honestly see no problems.