SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

@Emilia why so quiet today?


Im going to say this

I lied about one of my actions and know for a fact that u scum <3

…Marg are you high. Drunk. Insane. Did you somehow snort Memesky?

But ill be a good attack dog until its needed

And the info is in my log so attacking me is bad :wink:

High on alcohol or power

Except that I can’t be the random Cultist and I’m more confident of Geyde being it.

Hja is the Observer who saw me BD last night. You’re essentially chainsawing on a player that was green peeked.

So you are saying that Luxy has a lie in his logbook because it contradicts your secret action?

Based off that edit, yes im legally intoxicated

y e s

But ill let yall mislynch


And I’m the only damn Sheriff in this match so far which essentially guarantees me at least as the starting Sheriff.

Why do you let us lynch Ici if you have serious evidence against Luxy?

I retract my suspicion temporarily.

Define serious evidence

I’m reading
I don’t follow.

Since I assume you are still Phys, if your actions contradict Luxy’s then he is not a Phys

However, the very real scenario of Alice being converted last night is still plausible.

Unless we have information that directly contradicts that conclusion, it will not be kept outside of the realm of possibilities.

My evidence is a mixture of angleshooting, reaction tests, gamethrowing, and mechanical info


I never thought exhume could be this useful

Okay then I guess we will ignore you then and proceed to lynch Ici

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