SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Then your redirected bullshit makes no sense as were Ici a Seeker he’d know he’d be redirected.

We’re searching for the RC>CL, which I’ve rounded down to Geyde, Baz, and Marg as the most likely targets.

Maxi flipped original CL.

Not the case, Frost was Drunk N2 as per my test. And Marg as RC seems really unlikely, since she correctly knew king was killed by servant and stopped the wrongful push on Frost.

Fuck off. You’re essentially going for the lynch of a green peeked player solely on the assumption that he was tailored by a 1-shot ability.

Last time you were this angery you were devout king :thinking:

Please explain why Ici would make a better lynch target than Geyde.

Geyde feels more towny to me

Reads > Mechanics

However, we can exe one today, prince one tonight

Geyde’s a Paladin who’s pushing on the green check of one of his green checks solely on the assumption that he got tailored. How the actual hell is this towny?

Sadly that would mean leaving Captain to mess with results for one more night, and prince would not have time to change the jail. But it is a possible course of actions if we want CL killed 100%.

Well, exactly this happened in recent Hydra to be fair, and tailoring was less likely then as well.

Marg is cleared
Frost is assassin
Baz is not the only other person that could be scum; Ici, given the WoM on n3, has the definite possibility of being scum

It doesn’t mark who is scum, and no point is made as such.

Ici is scum because of their lack of town motivation. They haven’t been trying to gamesolve. They haven’t been trying to confirm themselves.

In this case, the possibility of tailoring is very real, and should NOT be discounted.

With three paladins, you would expect one of them to have a red check that hasn’t been tailored. Yet we haven’t. It is only reasonable that one of them has to give.

Starting Invokers can still take Royal Blood via Cult alts. Marg, she does somewhat makes sense as town by reads, which is why I previously put her out of the lynchpool.

The only ones that make sense here without tailoring BS is either Geyde or Baz.

No, I got Frost’s exact class. He was Drunk N2, no doubt about it.

You continue to play down the validity of the tailoring.

As town, if we do NOT find CL today, they get off another conversion. That is utterly dangerous. I’ve pushed Ici and will continue to push Ici, as I believe they are scum.

They don’t have town motivation behind their actions.

And in any case, from Geyde’s perspective, if he is BD, pushing Ici makes sense, since there are almost no one else that can be CL.

This is false,i disguised prince as prince.I didn’t even use frame.

Fine I do This.


And Alice should check Frost tonight anyway, because there are no other Unseen candidates left.

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But Why didnt frost Use HH squid wasN1 convert So frost must have bern N3 convert So he should have used HH?

If Frost got converted N3, then he did something else N3 and lied about HHing Noz.