SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I am too Paranoid to do that

I’m sorry

He is outed devil

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Oh right lmao

Yeah exe me i lost anyway, i might well as meme here

Bd should be like this 2-2

tbh marl said that to me in SFoL13
i think we’re all too scarred by that game to actually consider killing neuts…

for… some reason?

Well let Prince exe me so cult can convert tonight

but captain
you’re literally ACTUAL SATAN and win if we lose

He loses if he doesn’t survive though.

Yeah but i am away from my executions and it is low chance bd will lose this game.

So before people start yolo-executing Ici, I believe I found the actual CL and Geyde is just a misguided villager in this match.

Here’s a question - who bled Astand, when was Astand bled, and why?

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which is why we need to kill him ASAP, if we misjudge stuff and there’s an actual hole in the PoE like a tailor that makes SENSE we might still lose enough ground that his vote becomes worth shit

@Alice are you trying to tinfoil that the Pretender King is in fact Devout and that they performed an elaborate distancing gambit or something?

When is simple, at the start of D5. Why beats me, unless salty Assassin Frost theory is true. Share your thoughts.

To be more precise, why the actual fuck would Ici, who hasn’t been active this entire match, bleed a Pretender King? And who would have done it?


No. There are no other NC suspects in the match. But think. If he really is a Pretender King, then who would bleed him?

And another thing; I have been in thread as Astand being Pretender King being revealed, so that theory is shot down even further.

In fairness, wouldn’t most NCs peek as village to Paladins/Sheriffs?

I think whoever bled him had the sole purpose of drawing away healers. It’s the only possible explanation tbh.