SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

He can accomplish his purpose regardless of informing the heathens (Inquisitor that is)

Everyone is less likely to claim because it means the Inquisitor can PoE find the heathens easier

adding even a chance of NK in this setup would cause so much chaos

I Bathe in the Chaos Though.

I don’t necessarily want an NK to roll - the possibility is only included to stop neutrals from open-neutralling and getting mercy.

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Isn’t the threat of inquisitor spawning good Enough?

Basically we don’t want an alch claiming D2


I mean, I’m inclined to agree. But we’ll see how Inquis does in this form first.

Yup, hit the nail on the head.

in ToL Inquis basically feels like a 2nd NK

but fair enough

Yup, but we’ll see how it does here.

Question, what would the message be. Also how are you suppose to talk yourself out of it D:

This will be the message:

Hey, buckos, @insert username here believes in the Devil now, go and kill their ass before they spread their sin all over the place :slight_smile:

are you the co host?

I don’t understand the second part, but it would be like

This morning, you heard a voice shouting out whist ringing a bell, "Hear ye, Hear ye! (Player name) was converted into the Cult of Mithras!

No, it was a joke ;-;

He is not pretending… PepeHands


alch delet in this?

@ashe why you do this? Alch is still rollable for this game.