SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Then I would ask you to take your vote off.

Get claims, exe scum


Who knows

Maybe Marl is scum

If he’s NK he’s executing scum

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Luxy vote the real scum which is htm

/FoS Luxy

I’m not gonna charge headfirst into this but I’ve been told that it’s better off finding actual scum instead of wasting time with neut claims.


Talk to the people in CoC :angry:

City of citizens not clash of clans


hey I’m not good at this, what does FoS mean, is it like vote or something?

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Luxy you were killed cause it’s a 12p setup which is suicide to not kill a neutral.

Finger Of suspicion not a vote

Finger of Suspicion.

You’re not voting them but you have a bad feeling about them.

Last time Marl open claimed neut day one he was a mega nk

Cool so let the prince deal with them.


Marl - 5 (bazingaboy, hjasik, Geyde, Noz, Luxy)
Htm - 2 (Litten, Alice)
Sketch - 1 (Marcus)

Majority is 14

(If I forgot any, please tell me, I’m not good at this)

Geyde: 'Take your vote off marl or I FoS you!
Also Geyde: vote is on marl

I do disagree with the Luxy FoS this for reasons


I’m not Geyde

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Wait tf am I thinking