SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Varies on thread activity, if someone is getting close to hammer, VC more if not you’re fine doing it every 50 posts or so

gdi pressed the wrong button to reply I guess I should just go to sleep instead of pretending to be active

That’s impossible

either I got framed by a class like Demon or you are lying

I just got home after a hectic day.
Have a few things to ask

  1. Why was Marl being voted? Saying that it’s unusual he lived is a bit of a weird and weak excuse to vote him
  2. @Marluxion did you SP? If so then why do you think everyone suspected you?
  3. @Kirefitten you and me agreed on Marl before. Do you think he should’ve died this early on (Agreeing with others) or think that they purposefully kept him alive as a frame?
  4. Did you SP?
  5. Top scumread from y’all if possible

Okay thanks.


Marl - 4 (bazingaboy, hjasik, Geyde, Noz)
Htm - 5 (Litten, Alice, Luxy, Squid, BlueStorm)
Sketch - 1 (Marcus)

Majority is 14

(If I messed up, please tell me, I’m not good at this, I’m just a small votebot)

It’s not impossible because someone soft claimed and I know it’s 100% impossible for you to be framed

He claimed mercenary.

Honestly Wazza, you can’t go wrong with quick VC updates. It keeps the activity up and keeps people in the know.

How can you even pretend to be active? Are you just not going to give your opinions on what’s going on?

Math is the king. So only 4 votes on HTM


Oh nvm I can’t read

People suggesting good players being scum for not dying in setups with high power classes are actually stupid, especially since he draws protectives. IMO just leave him be for now and see what happens

Wait what?

it’s called skill.

Try not to uhh confuse the life out of me. I’m only a small votebot.

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I didnt see blues vote

I figured I’d try to post a few things here and there but I just came home and I’m less than sober right now so I’ll post my opinion on this match in 12 hours or so, view me as null until then

oh hey egomaster9000 is here.

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