SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

Something is very very wrong.

If htm isn’t dead we know he lied.

Also math is snapping me out of my death tunnel state. REEEEEEE

And I think you’re wrong.

As I said, Marl is likely scum

/vote Alice

He’s an uncced merc claim. He’s BD and you shall treat him as such.

I think firekitten is letting himself get pocketed.

Possibly. But I have a feeling I can read him later.

tbf I have a habit of trusting any merc claims who says they contracted me.

/vote FireKitten

Prince jail exe Marl tonight I reckon.

@MathBlade opinion on that?

Lol you’re gonna get rebounded now


That was stupid math.

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@Marluxion don’t rebound him

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Wait you’re king you’ll be fine

To be completely fair, Marl has given very little reason to make us believe they are actually merc.

They outwardly state they are Mercenary early, which in many situations would backfire logically. What I’m saying is that as a mercenary whose purpose is to keep their target alive, the action to out themselves was inherently against that goal.

Reasonably, merc (or alch for that matter) wouldn’t want to out because of a neuts out philosophy, right?

If he’s Merc it’s a waste. The prince should let the game settle some as there was no kill.

Exactly, last time Marl open claimed a merc-like neut he was the NK.

I don’t trust him one bit.

There’s essentially a single NB slot in this setup so we know that there should be exactly one Mercenary or Alchemist. If Marl is lying then he could be immediately CC’d so fakeclaiming NB here is just a stupid as hell move that I doubt Marl would pull.

Which match?