SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)


Kings in FoL all have a doublevoting passive.

Bazinga is cult leader change my mind /vote Bazboi

/vote htm

Since I’m not rebounding him

Also whilst I’m here, did a wee look back at SOD2 and saw Tech post his night result which I think is a towntell from him, I went back and checked FoL15 and sure enough the first thing he did there was post his night result.

Typically this isn’t something they should be doing but it is a towntell for him imo.

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Marl - 1 (hjasik)
Htm - 6 (Alice, Squid, Noz, Bazingaboy, Tech, Marl)
Luxy - 1 (BlueStorm)
Sam - 2 (Litten, htm)
Geyde - 2 (Mathblade :crown:)
Sketch - 1 (Marcus)

Majority is 14

(If I mess up, please tell me, I’m not good at this, I’m just a small votebot and this is my first time votebotting so uhh like yeh thanks?)

You forgot to remove my vote on hjasik when i voted htm

Since kings have a passive of double votes and always vote as 2, if Possessor jumps into a king, it becomes even more apparent than in ToL? Since the “king” would then only vote once

Fixed, thanks.

yep poss jumps into someone else but still writes from his account not sus at all

Wait a minute… How does poss even work then lmao

Poss can’t jump.


I suggest you read through the neutrals in the Class card thread again.

Not converted into Possessor I hope, but that make sense.

I dunno, why won’t you just check the class card rather than ask yourself “Guys I am scum, can someone confirm me how this class works thanks?”

expect that there is no place for NK

oh wait there can actually be NK

Well that’s a weak ass nk imo… Possessor’s power in ToL at least comes from the fact he can change bodies

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Actually there is chance to be rolled with neutral killing

fixed that already

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Is this frost trying to subtly shadethrow