SFOL39: Triple Threat 3 - How not to scum (Game over. Blue Dragon and Usurper King Win)

I retract my suspicion temporarily.

Define serious evidence

I’m reading
I don’t follow.

Since I assume you are still Phys, if your actions contradict Luxy’s then he is not a Phys

However, the very real scenario of Alice being converted last night is still plausible.

Unless we have information that directly contradicts that conclusion, it will not be kept outside of the realm of possibilities.

My evidence is a mixture of angleshooting, reaction tests, gamethrowing, and mechanical info


I never thought exhume could be this useful

Okay then I guess we will ignore you then and proceed to lynch Ici

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Please do

It would mean a n3/5 convert right?
Was a n1 convert by cult possible?

Marcus was jailed n1, so I think they failed their n1 conversion.

IF cult convd n1 then ici is cl

So essentially, n2 and n4 the most, which means there are at most 2 Cultists alive.

Marcus was starting CL?

Remember Maxi tried to convert me but im too much of a goddess

I fucked up my math. Retracting statements.

He flipped Ritualist after Maxi died, so he’s guaranteed a convert.

Ici has Marcus greenchecked n2…

Maximus was

Maximus knew livi was convert immune (which i assume was n1)

Then tried to convert me n2 apparently