SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

PKR confirmed evil as GM’s always send out evils last cuz they gotta organise the Discord

/Vote PKR

/no card yet

#i have sent all class cards, it is Day 1 so you may do actions now, remember to confirm in a PM or in the thread that you have recieved your class card, Night 1 will begin once everybody confirms

I believe that you guys are just trying to make light of this. Passing blame already.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re bad yourself.

“you guys” I’m glad I count as more than one person in your eyes :stuck_out_tongue:

When PKR turns out to be Unseen you all gonna be in awe trust





Prepare to die @Hippolytus


/going to died


That is not the way to say “Confirm”…

I don’t play by your rule scoiety


Can we have a separate thread because there is almost no way we’ll all remember first posy is likr 300

Depends if game host is like bounty and puts the tags at top of the page of big events.
Good job by bounty on that has helped me alot



Let us go.