SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

A slip for what? :laughing:

Unknown. Just listen here.
I’m not confirmed yet.
I’ll admit this fully.
But my problem is, my role isn’t easy to prove.
I need you to listen to me.
I need your help, please…
I’m asking for bread so I can actually survive and be able to lead with you. As with me, you could go far. I’m a natural leader as you should be able to tell from this discussion.


We dont want the merc, yes.
We dont want to execute the Fool.
Plex is either merc or fool.
Letting Prince execute is safer than lynching someone when we really, really need a lynch possibility on Day 3.

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You’re scum.

I suppose so.
But then…
Who’s the next best?

I think people said vote the King so Frost or something like that can confirm themselves?

Pkr I personally would not give you bread when you want it to lead that is sus
I would need more from you before I gave you bread just saying

I don’t care either way.

Kill me.
Let me live.

Whatever. I’m just gonna die in a couple nights. So is Rogue evidently.

I want to lead in every game…
So how is that susp at all?!

See that bold text? You don’t seem to care about your ‘contract’ than I realized and you are going full panic, sure I don’t mind you get your win so long your contract does not die so why is it so hard to accept it that way? Less mouths to feed.

Hippolytus received my letter, thus any player with royal blood knows that I have announced.

If you want me to prove that I’m Mercenary. Vote Rogue and we’ll watch you die.

I led as Prince in my first game.
I led as Butler or at least been very important in both games I’ve been in Butler
So what’s so unusual about it?

Doesn’t mean your bd now.

“As for me, death is fine as long as I survive tonight.” Was aimed at me… -.- I don’t care about death, as long as I survive tonight!

Because I can guard Rogue tonight and the next night.

All I needed was 2 nights to live.

Nah. Rogue can still prove himself… for example, if he is the Prince or such. Actually, this is recommended if Rogue is really Prince because he is under suspicion and needs bread.

lolololol I will laugh my bum off if he’s actually Prince and you all fucked him out of a Merc.

@Rogue can you help plex?

But it’s very much town AI.
When in a game like this, not everyone has an easily confirmable role as town or else it’d be game over, correct?

Therefore, you have to look at how people are acting. Don’t you understand that?

And that way, he can’t get his bread.

So you can become yourself liability.

Nothing, and it doesn’t make you Unseen/scum. It doesn’t make you good either tho.