SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

No but…that sounds weird, Rogue can only die at second time right?

@Ami claim now, and please be honest unless you are baker or noble.

If rogue was noble he can use his abilities

Don’t forget, I’m his Merc, if they wanna waste RBing him, I’ll just guard him.

Which I planned to do for the rest of the 3 coming nights.

Can I ask why noz is anymore susp than anyone else who hasn’t claimed? It seems like you guys have suddenly all got tunnel vision.

Rouge couldn’t use abilities yet.
So not noble
Best guess is priest as everyone else can use abilities n1.

Or squire.

Then it’s settled, NozBugz is the thief–

Oh wait, the neutral killer.

A good way to have balanced this was to make any Neutral Killers not need bread. That way you can’t do Unkowns cheesy strat. If we play this again which is think we should cuz it’s fun we should do that.

Either way, I fully support the idea that PKR is evil as hell.

PurpleyPete jails PKR and let him starve to death, easy.

Rogue can be Squire, Neutral Killer or Thief.

But then Purpley couldn’t get other ppl’s info?

Hmm? We did more than enough to gather info for the day.

Anyone else who doesn’t claim today look scummy as hell

Vote noz

it’s only been an IRL day, he maybe didn’t go online yet. i think we can wait.

I’m keeping my vote on PKR :wink:

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Also /vote PKR

Also I’m butler. Thanks for outing me.