SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Waiting for somebody to vote me and end this day

You need two votes now. Vote me noz. You too PKR as you must know I’m evil right?

Wanna start the “I give up on the BD club?”

Coughs very loudly Serpent Cough, cough
The fact you even denied that it made any logical sense shows that you have something to hide. You wouldn’t just forget about a class. You’d purposefully do some things over others

If you don’t vote me PKR it’s essentially an admission of your guilt as you know the second I’m hung your gonna be roleblocked for the rest of the game as your MM.

/vote PKR

Vote Noz
I can vote you later Hip.
We have a suspected scum at L-1 now.

That’s not a good defence…

I trust Hip because he claimed Maid way before you and just claimed to have used his Day ability to check your type.

I believe Hip over you.

@Everyone lynch me instead. A knight can kill noz tonight right now we need everyone to know PKR is 100% CL/MM and can NEVER be left un-roleblocked.

@Hippolytus Vote noz now or I will execute you and bd will lose.

Only if you 100% promise to jail PKR and not kill him

Also threatening to gamethrow. Classy. :ok_hand:

That’s what I was going to do my action has been given 8 hours ago

/vote Noz

Is likely Serpent
Asks for me not to be killed, but protected in jail
Seems good Hip.
As usual, you’re showing your true colours pretty well

It’s you of course :kissing_heart:

Yes that is why I wanted to be hung…cuz im Serpent…

@JammySplodge 8 votes reached xxx

Yay! I get to share my salty Journal

You might aswell defend now tbh.
Give facts don’t be salty.
It’s meant to be a game of fun.