SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Lol PKR wanting to die so assasin can take over. DO NOT KILL HIM.

Congrats your mum must be very proud

There is no way you are not being rbed every night from now.

I’m proud of myself

I want people’s opinions do I jail pkr and not kill.
Do I jail hippo and kill to prove pkr is scum or good.
(May lose executes)
Or who else has options???
Originally I was going to jail damafaud.

Fuck sake how is this even a decision



If anyone has ANY doubt that I am not Maid just hang me right now. If you don’t jail PKR imma be so fucking pissed.

There is such a mountain of evidence against PKR it’s a joke not jailing him is on the table. If you are somehow blind to it, inno noz (even though he is 100% thief I bet) and hang me, cuz if it is not universally accepted PKR is obviously MM/CL we are in a significantly worse position.

Hippo your not stupid.
I refuse to lynch you in the day.
Your to smart for your own good so your hard to trust.
But I still love hate you :dizzy_face:

I think I already had but not sure.

Nah, get rid of NozBugz, jail and execute PKR.

The fact that Hippo is even asking to be killed is enough for me to be convinced that PKR is scum.

You’ll regret that Plex

If anyone suspects me of having a stroke and for some reason claimed PKR is MM/CL as an evil or maybe Serpent (even though if I was Serpent i would know BD wouldn’t hang the MM immediately so would claim he was killer or wildcard) I think it’s best to hang me.

If tomorrow half of everyone is like hmmmmmmm maybe Hippolytus is Serpent and PKR is actually Maid herpity derpity then I will personally hunt you down and strangle you with your own flayed skin :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

Hippo you little traitor :3

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I called PKR scum earlier, and I’m heavily convinced he is scum.

He also started spurting nonsense about “Rogue not being confirmed BD” etc meaning he has slipped that he has some knowledge about who’re scum. Makes me think he wanted to convert Rogue and have the benefit of having a Merc on another scum.

Yeh. Let’s kill PKR.

PKR must get imprisoned. No one else can reliably roleblock PKR. The Butler claims can all be fake.
The Court Wizard claims should be on the Prince.


Pshhhhh. You’re seriously suggesting for me to be killed?
That’s a bad decision.
What the point on that?
Why not listen to Hip’s ideas if you think I’m sooo guilty :expressionless:
Oh wait, is it because shock, horror you don’t actually fully believe him.

You make a valid point, if you’re Mastermind, there will just be a new one…

Keep him locked up and starve him out!