SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Fade on snake
Alfa on me
King on snake so you can give bread still.
Depends on polik
@PolikShadowbliss ???

Wait, if Fade is rbing snake that means they can’t give out bread


But there aren’t enough BD that we need alive to win.
So no point in giving out more bread.

I personally would have king on baker
But guess there evil / nuetral

Icibalus is probably the other Aristocrat, not Fool or Thief. Nevertheless, imprison and execute- and vote frost today?

Frost dies of starvation tonight.

i’m pretty sure it means Icibalus dies too, if i’m correct

you gave Icibalus bread…

hm. doesn’t nobles die together? isn’t it the same for aristocrats?


ehh, i see.

I think apart from Pete(who is not evil), you gave bread to at least two bad persons, likely 3. Why?

2 first persons were night 1. i tried to feed as much people as possible. got unlucky.

I litterally claimed Thief, I have bread, so I don’t need to steal, ergo I’m not scum.


I also actually beleived Icibalus’s observer claim, and gave him bread N2.

what he’s saying is that you are claiming theif to hide your aristocrate nature.

I did?

/vote Damafaud

and then lets imprison Insanity, right?

We need to kill people with bread.
Frost will die tonight.