SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Why, you afraid I will kill you when you technically won next day?

don’t worry insanity, we’ll give you a little visit this night :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m more afraid of being converted, frost.

Dama is the one who we don’t know

King is risky to trust there active but not doing much

Never lucky, first time I get scummy, 2nd time I got BD but converted…

What will my 3rd time be?

Nope, I wasn’t turned into assassin.

Yeah, frost wolf hasn’t turn into Assassin yet.

Why because you have

i don’t think we can trust Unseen, can we?

Soz, trust us.

I have no idea what Insanity is talking about.

He dies tonight anyway


We lynch damafaud, kill insanity tonight, and, as long as none of us both die/gets converted, we win.

Fine by me, me and Rogue will die by starvation anyway.

you’ll die too.

can we get to see people starve to death?

me and Rogue will die by starvation anyway.

I know.

i’ll repeat myself. none of this talk is useful. as long as there’s no other baker, we both kill damafaud and insanity, and end up not being killed nor converted, we win.

I know it sounds wrong

But I do hope dama was ill and didn’t use it as a scum cover