SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

#Icibalus, the Demon was executed
#Please stand by

#The Unseen have won

PokemonKidRyan: Mastermind
Damafaud: Assassin -> Mastermind
Frostwolf103: Noble -> Assassin
Insanity: Noble -> Assassin
SadSnake: Baker -> Chef


I just want to give one award, the Biggest Goof award, to Icibalus

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Rip the demon

Yeah, I deserve tthat…

CWs should’ve gotten that, as well.

with like 500 messages to look tough you guys don’t make it easy

you’re right… we did mention you going on me or pete a couple of times, tho. and i’ve read every single one of the posts.

well, the baker gave bread to himself and the Mastermind I guess.
so if you killed the baker…
then you would just have died from Famine?

and I did not.

No, I could Deception Dama’s vote on to him.

Most ineffective enemy awards go to Polik and Ici who between them killed Zero people, or maybe like half a person


So you did not read every single message? This loss is on you.

I did kill Ingeel…

Actually I would have ended the 1v1 with a Demon victory

I have a thing called a life.

So did the Unseen

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Rip my class was gonna win