SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

So… CW? Possibly? Or maybe just really coincidental Merc and Butler?

Wait, nvm, I’m being stupid

Yep, I slept peacefully.

soo… lets lynch the king, as usual?

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Who’s the king?


/vote Polik

/Vote Polik


I love the smell of regicide in the morning!

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I refuse to take part in d2 king lynching


Alfa, Pete plz. We have a 66.6% chance of not hitting a BD king

I was jailed which is why any actions against me would not ave gone through. Wasn’t gonna say cuz didn’t wanna narrow down Prince for evils but it adds more clarity if I do.

Also I’m not hanging Polik that’s bullshit. If he claims Neutral than maybe but even then it is a waste of a lynch. We can use lynches to gather info from voting patterns and the like, but we can’t gain nearly as much info from lynching a King as evils don’t know his role either.

Just gonna remind everyone PKR got his rolecard late #megasus :stuck_out_tongue:

I was joking btw.

okay, I get this is a meme but it’s bugging me
#the time at which you receive your class card is IN NO WAY INDICATIVE OF YOUR CLASS OR FACTION, I use the links at the thread top so it’s indicative of how many posts you had before the game started AND NOTHING ELSE


When PKR turns out to be MM at the end of the game you’ll all see.

ATM i’m leaning towards a nolynch tbh unless any info appears. IMO Prince should claim so baker can feed him. Chances are we have a Physicican/Knight so he will be protected.

i’m pretty sure bakers will feed everyone anyway…

2 Bakers max. Doubt it.

On second thoughts Prince should claim tomorrow if he has not been given bread today or tonight. Any Bakers should aim for their potential Prince reads, which is sadly not me, Pete or Polik. RIP.