SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Unknown that makes ruby s game just complete and utter trash to play.
It’s GUARENTEED win with 1 baker.
It’s boring
What’s the point
It’s meant to be a game of fun
Not a easy win


This is why I’m saying what I am saying.
So how am I scum?
I think I am being perfectly fair tbh.
Obviously Pete agrees too.
So @Unknown explain yourself please

Baker would only show themselves if they want to be converted.
Or he was converted n1 and now wants unseen to try and show themselves as baker to save him and his colleagues.
Or this is some sort of fool play for later game.
Personally whoever is Prince should not jail unknown.
As he is eager to push Prince to out themselves on d2.
It’s a scummy play if you are baker.

Uknown that is a trash plan. At this moment in time Pete and Wolf are both likely to be BD (or at least they were both non-unseen last night). Give bread to one of them.

Frost that still goes through even if you are jailed.

Any observer now HAS to be on Unkown which is a shame, i think it was a mistake for him to claim. I suggest court wizard doesn’t do him tho as we 100% need more bread out there to likely BD.

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Actually scratch that Pete may well be Thief.

Screw you hippo
@Hippolytus what are you even?

Your worst nightmare cackles wildly. That’s what you get when you say “I’m never ever claiming”, someone claims your role for you, Butler bitch :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmmm so you claim butler

No, I claim 100% that you are Butler or Thief

Or maybe Posessor

Who mentioned pocessor

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

You r’bed me last night and I know you are not Court Wizard so I know 100% you are gonna claim Butler, unless you admit to being Thief/Servant/Posessor.

I say you should just be executed go on Prince execute.

Well that escalated quickly.

You said you were jailed now saying you were rbled wtf…GUILTY

I was jailed and someone tried to occupy me. You then said you tried to visit me but could not; no one else says this. Therefore you have to be the person who role blocked me. I know for a fact you are not Court Wizard using my magical powers, so therefore if you are BD you are Butler.

You never said Somone tried to rb you before

My first sentence

And you said it was because you were in jail not someone tried to visit you