SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

Or evil trying to get your buddy’s bread

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As I’ve said, while I’m not claiming yet.
I am a leader and I lead BD.
This is the reason I’m not voting you.
I don’t think you’re scum.
I just think you’re misguided townie.
Or, and again, no offence intended, being a bit too much of a tryhard.
I’m trying to scumhunt.
But, I’m trying to help you in general too.
Before you end up getting disliked because of your attitude.

Yes, it’s nice to win.
I’m competitive as heck, I love to win, I’ll admit that happily.
But the most important thing is fun and participation.
If you don’t give bread out until the final day, then fairly simply, it’s not going to be a fun challenge.
It’d be fairly simply, oh look, BD auto won.

Like I said, make out what you will about Rogue, but all I’m saying is, make sure he has been given bread during the day and I will ensure that Thief can’t steal it from him.

No plex your not confirmed in any way

I’m not confirmed, you are correct. But all I’m saying is, I can ensure Rogue’s survival if he’s given bread today.

You need to give more

All I’m asking is that Rogue is given bread.

I will make sure Thief can’t steal it and evils can’t kill him or convert him.

Rogue will be safe and BD will have at least 1 survivor after the next 2 nights.

For all we know, Rogue could be scum.
Or, you could both be scumbuddies.
Or even furthermore, you could be Serpent and just trying to keep your target alive so you can lynch him!!

The biggest threat this game is bread not evil so more needs to be given

Not even close.

Anyway, I think PurpleyPete is becoming more of available lynch target. Hippolytus said someone tried to occupy him while in jail, This means several classes:

Butler (Limited uses)

Possessor (Potential kill, but that’s out of question)

The Fool (Yes they can do that)

The Thief (They can occupy and steal loaf of bread if the target possesses as such)

And no, if Rogue is blocked at night then the baker can’t get to it unless it’s day ability, like one use bread.

Doesn’t mean I tried to roleblock him

Hence why I said to give Rogue the bread during the day.

Thief or scum can’t get to Rogue at night. All I’m asking is you give him bread.

Hmm you are conversion immune… then I’d advise any defender(except observer) to be on ThePlex tonight, as long as the prince does not out themselves today.

Maybe, if you saw someone ‘occupying’ Hippolytus more than the prince (Which i strongly discourage not to reveal)

Trust me. I can guarantee a BD win if you give Rogue bread today. I will stop Thief from stealing and I will stop evils from trying to convert or kill Rogue.

As for me, death is fine as long as I survive tonight.

Frost I could be any role that visited

You admit being visiting to Hippolytus, it’s not smart decision for your part.

Ok. ThePlex the Prince has spoken. If ThePlex is NOT the Prince somehow, please, Prince, lock ThePlex up and kill.

If Pete was scum, he’d be stupid to claim to have visited.

I trust him.