SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

/vote NozBugz

/vote NozBugz

Decided to jump on wagon.

And nothing happened to me at Night.

And… Everyone is inactive.

Wait… What happened to everyone…

Heya, I’m back.

Recap please?

oh, Nozbugz lynch wagon.

i’m back as well

#well gosh diddly darn it, how am i gonna look through all these posts to find the votes, i don’t even know where day 2 started
#wait a minute, i’ll just click the handy link in the timeline of this first post

Polik: 1 - Noz
PKR: 1 - Plex
No1: 4 - Frost, Pete, Unknown, Insanity

8 votes are required to put a player up for trial

D2 started around 300 post…

my friend i do believe you missed the point entirely



Time is running out, people.

I’m sorry I 1000% call bull shit on PKR being Maid. He just HAPPENED to use the maids royal blood ability (which you would NEVER randomly do as the compare alignments ability is way stronger) and it just HAPPENED to be on someone who had already claimed noble. Thats a hella lot of coincidences.

I have asked Jammy to poke around in his chambers so when she gets back we will see what he really is.


@PandaPete you said you couldnt do your ability but you did jail me?

So you’re claiming Maid as well? What’s the result on day abillity you used on PKR…?

Jammy hasn’t gotten back yet. Hold off on a lynch till she has. Hopefully he is special in which case Pete can keep jailing him.

Imma look really really fucking dumb if he’s invest now :joy:

He’s Special

He’s legit fucking Special