SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

we’ll only be left with a theif claim, wich can end up being either fool ,neutral killer, or unseen, but we’ll have majority anyway

if all goes well.

have you given anyone bred?

those guys.

icibalus claims thief, i claim baker, pete claims jailor, insanity and damafaud didn’t claim yet.

so we go after insanity or damafaud?

that’s the question.

Okay, so tonight I don’t see the point off stealing from the person out of Dama/Insanity since Pete is going to execute them anyway.

So I’m just going to not steal from now on.

Depends on the lynch outcome icibalus

so, are we lynching insanity?

We are waiting for them both to claim.
Then we lynch.

Frost could be assassin

or damafaud. i’ll let you decide

frost will die of starvation anyway.

if i’m protected, there will be no valid converting target

But I’ll have to jail him or he kills
Or jail a person with bread who may be assassin

one of the wizards can ice ward him

@FadeBlade claims cw who did you do last night fade?


I expect assassin must of been rbled last night or foraged