SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

You don’t get told if you get bread
I don’t trust dama
But you are confirmed evil

i can comfirm. bread is silent. ninjabread.

Like, wouldn’t he have done to give two more people the bread they may or may not deserve? Three people compared to six from SadSnake…

I respect JammySplodge as GM, but I don’t agree bread should be silent - you can’t just eat imaginary loaf of bread.

I actually 100% agree

then again, i did feed 3 scum / potential scum, so maybe damafaud’s tactic is right…

And I believe in balancing gameplay rather than making everything make sense
Maybe the Baker sneaks it into your pantry and you only look there when you’re about to die, I don’t know, nor do I care

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Correct me if I’m wrong are you claiming someone rbled you as cw would of prevented you.

They/I can’t eat at any given moment until near last breath?

You know Leningrad, they will be too weak to even come out of bed - but then I am speaking something non-relevant.

And that’s not going to change, I know that.

Shouldn’t night reports have prevented added.
As I just noticed there is only occupied.
But if you visit Somone protected by cw.
It states something prevented you from visiting your target last night.
Same with Merc protection I think aswell

/vote guiilty

Pete, what’s the night plan?

(Bare in mind, I’m not going to guard Rogue due to poisoning)

Also, Rogue should take Butler for a one night occupation

I don’t think that’s going to work like that, it’s night action - so unless Rogue have already chooses Butler at Night 2, he can’t use the ability to occupy.

Fuck I’m confused now

2 ppl have similar names


I think we should not hang frost even though he is evil. I also think King is probably evil.

I can’t really be arsed to properly think about it tho so maybe I’ll just sheep you guys and guilty. Who knows.

Pete has a decent plan, we need to execute Frost…

Pete have executed the mastermind out of stupidity, he cause second mislynch.

That’s not even what I call decent.

I mean your clearly evil but I think ur still aristocratic rather than assasin. I think his buddy is assasin.
