SFoL5: Famine [Unseen Win]

I’m interested in this game as orange and mole aren’t here to work with each other.
And cause chaos

Don’t worry you’re relatively better than all of them

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Sad snake hasn’t played here before how u know?

Just by playing in SFoL 2

Town did soooo much that game

Or Blue Dragon w/ever you wanna call it

yep, it’s pretty much my first forum match (excluding the 30 seconds forumball)

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I’ve only played a few. The first thing you gotta know is everyone thinks they’re way better than they actually are and aleays explain shit in convoluted ways to seem clever. Ingretel is actually pretty good though.

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Like I fooled the hell out of PokemonKidRyan on FoL5, who’s called silver-tongued snake, a liar.

Guess he’s not the only predator.

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I’m only decent but <3 u hippo

But ye what he saix everyone walks around with a big ego and it ends up a shouting contest

Fooling him isn’t hard though

If you got cornered with confirmation you are scum, well…

I have no idea what you’re saying

Only two people left hallejuah


A decent player so I have to actually try!

I’m hoping for a neutral role not merc

Wishing I get the only baker so everyone must grovel at me

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When you sleep, you shall not see, my devious tactics, hiding shall be. Pretending to be a spy, but for which side am I truely on, the one which I act, or the one which I’m actually now on.
The fire of a dragon, the beauty of a rose. Which one is what my heart knows? The change of heart and a change of pace, the letter changing my slight grace. Which one is true, that is up to you.
I may be normal, I may not be. Sometimes it is a lot more difficult to see. Seen by few, but actually knew? My brain does change, along with age.

Went ahead and bolded and/or italicised the important stuff to know about me this game…

Oh right, and I probably won’t claim…

Good joke Ici

Rogue you probably won’t post
