SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Inaudibly screams
Can people please, please, please just vote Guilty

Well not guilty, but execute

Since I know nothing about why we are voting Rogue other then he is inactive I’m not voting on this. Although, losing a psychic this way sucks. You guys sure we shouldn’t give him a chance to prove himself?

If he was Phyisc all he had to do was send us a Physic message but as he did not.

Omfg, are you serious?

Fanax is high on my suspicion list.

/execute again?

Let me cold steel him?


Aren’t you confirmed scum…

Stop trying to divert the conversation…

Btw… The Physic claim…

Can you go check the Brotherhood role idea that Plex made?

Feels like everyone is high on your suspicion list PKR. Just saying what I felt sorry if that makes me look like scum to you.


@Rogue Send a message if you really are Psychic

Wait. I just went over the classes.

There is one Brotherhood class that can send messages as a Psychic. So even if he does send a message.

It does not confirm him.

^^^ that is rite

You can’t use abilities while someone is on trial @Damafaud

Well, that pretty much sucks for you Rogue.

However, there is one way you can confirm your class.

Tell us who you visioned. And if they confirm, we will let you off.

I may or may not have afked through the whole of the nights :/ sorry


You know what that means?

It means that you are … about to be executed.

**** **** **** **** crap, why am I about to be executed ;-;