SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Also, I wish I had gotten to defend myself when I was lynched. I didn’t get to because the combo of my computer/network card not working and I was really busy with work. Also, the night before I had asked Insanity if Aftertech was his merc. I never got an answer so I was hoping he was when I admitted to being BH. I didn’t have enough info to play that day correct. shakes her fist at her network card

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As for the BH, I think for forum games it’s a great faction. I wonder if it could work on the game though because it requires a lot of communication between the members. It was frustrating there was no abilities to kill but that’s what made it more fun for me. I especially liked the order of classes I went through. In case anyone is interested Icibalus started out as princess but when I took over I was already converted. Every princess result I gave was me making it up.

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to be fair you probably would have been executed anyways, if not that day, the next, as i had already believed polik was constable
it would only take polik and after to admit polik was constable and after was merc for me to vote you

You had me going for a while. Well played. I’ll be watching you from now on :wink:

@Simon I’m glad I didn’t hang you. My faith was rewarded

i was repeatedly saying i would help bd. after saying it that many times, there was no way i would turn on bd (unless i was hanged), even if it was just to make a point

lol, yeah, I knew those tactics would only work once. Good thing I enjoy trying new things all the time.

Oh, and so you guys know, if you did hang me, I most definitely would follow through with my threats

don’t hail king simon.

*dies *
*spite-smites Insanity *
I dont know what your talking about
