SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Pete, just do it

No my info needs to be compared pkr
He is the scum here

Pete, pls just show us the info, it will be so much easier if you just explain your info

ok, I only asked so I would be 100% sure you are bd

I’m also awaiting plex to answer a dm so I don’t screw it up also with info I recieved

did someone say Noz is a ML?


you’ve missed out on some stuff

why do you need plex to enter a dm pete?

I need clarification to do with info I received so I can confirm pkr as scum.

so who is plex?

He is running the game lol

The Gamemaster.

you probably used a day ability, didn’t you?

Day ability?

@ThePlex when your free can you answer my question please

fireslol, do you like getting drunk?

why do you need plex to confirm pkr as scum?

Ability results are quite vague

PLEX can’t confirm someone as scum that’s against the rules
He is the game host.
He need to confirm my info received to game mechanics.