SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

all im saying is that, right now, if BH approached me, i would turn down their offer
but that is gone if you hang me
i will choose the person who’ll most likely survive
which could be BH
but why would you risk voting another king right away? at least wait until they show allegiance, one way or the other

how would they approach you without outing themselves :thinking:

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and no
i do not have to choose a member of bd
if i think someone has a good chance of living, no matter what you say, i can choose them
even if it might seem obvious to you that they’ll die, if i think that they’ll live, its not gamethrowing

Hippolytus thinks we got BH king or whoever come up with, I think it may be BD role but I got nothing to prove that possibility.

The King is a low priority problem right now.

Wait, are we even allowed to lynch the King before Day 4?



Sketch read your posts and you literally contradict yourself. I’m down with a Noz lynch tho.

Also Simon at this stage when BD had such a majority you’d be mad to choose someone non BD as King. If we lynched you much later, say D5 you might get away with choosing a scum king as there won’t be such a BD majority. Yet another reason to hang you sooner rather than later.

It’s rude to say that without quoting me

I’m on mobile at work mate. It’s not rude, just read your posts and it’s obvious. If you really need it spelled out I’ll quote you when I get home.

thing is though, if i died on n4, i would probably choose a bd to help you guys win, but if you hanged me on d5, i would choose bh, because both have a chance of winning

thats exactly why i would do it.
because its unexpected

thats a reason to keep me around; to help you later on

Has it occured to anyone that Simon is not a merc?

Correct, he is KING Simon.

So. What is this thing he is saying about siding with BH if we lynch him?

How do you side with someone if you’re dead

Exactly. If he dies. He loses. He cannot side with anyone.

He is saying he will choose a BH as his successor (as he claims a debatable Cowardly King). I’m saying that’s utter bs as he needs his successor to survive to win, and if he chooses someone evidently non-BD were gonna hang him.

Empty threats are still a threat though Simon. Y u threatening BD :thinking: