SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

and since you revealed yourself as physican they are most likely going on you

Sure we don’t know if constable actually used his second ability on me, but the thought of him doing it is enough to scare brotherhood away.

and since your plan was to heal me, you outed yourself as physican, so i think you are the perfect convert target

and to finish this off i do this
/unvote simon
/vote sketch

Physician is exceptionally hard to prove. A proven Physician doesn’t need to prove again and can just claim “unlucky”

You’re literally digging yourself a hole here.

The only difference between you and me is this.

I was jailed N1. And a CW softed to me that he roleblocked me N2.

Aaaand if you’ve all been paying attention
Which I really doubt

It’s impossible for me to have started as Brotherhood if you pay close attention to what happened at the beginning of this game.

I’m sure a few of you noticed already.

im not saying you started as brotherhood
im saying that if you were converted n2
why would they convert you n2? gee i dont know maybe its the fact that you revealed your physican

Constable was WIFOMing between the two of us. You say that the threat of Constable means you’re trustworthy but that same threat somehow doesn’t apply to me??

Are you fucking kidding me

You have to be scum because I hope you’re not this stupid

also how i was confirmed physican is when i said i healed pkr, and pkr said he was healed n1, and since hes prince, he cant be converted

I honestly thought these forum games were going to be more impressive and calculating when I first joined them

I think I like the computer version better.
Everyone has too much time to concoct these shitty, over the top theories that single handedly lose games

Wait Sketch you’ve been r’bed both nights?

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and your physican too
if any thing you are just as likely to be converted, and if you say that the thought of constable is enough to keep bh away from you, wouldnt the same be true for sketch?

no because the plan laid out was for constable to be on me, so it wouldnt be the same for sketch

but constable basically wifom’d between you 2
so it is the same
who else agreed that constable would be on you?

Once by Prince, last night by Fool or possible CW if I’m right on my read.

You seem like by far the most probable Butcher then. Sorry. /Unvote Simon

/Vote Sketch

about 3 agreed it should be me

okay, fair

Unless Constable whispering to you through an illegal PM, you don’t know where the Constable went, and the threat remains.

The only thing your argument concludes is that you have been exposed to conversion for 2 nights while I have been only exposed to one night, AND it might’ve been a CW preventing anybody from visiting me.

Did I miss anything? You didn’t handle the little bit of pressure I gave you, and gave an argument that told everybody you are more likely to be converted than I am

lol /FoS fireslol

Your attention span is truly the width of a teaspoon, Hippo

:open_mouth: :frowning: :sob:

It’s true though