SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

At least it isn’t lynching a Neutral King on Day fucking two


It will be still worst king lynch because prince’s life is at stake!


get rekt simon

BD does not respond well to being threatened

Hippolytus, do you want the prince dead as well or not?

for the sake that Simon is cowardly king, PKR will die as well when Simon is lynched by the same way works as Jester.

People need to read.

Wait fuck Simon is right I did unvote. I can’t remember who voted after me but if they want we can inno him and then i will vote him up again first. Ideally it should be the first person who voted him tbh. Then again ideally his role should not exist and we should just do what the ToL Devs have done!!!

Frost the person to vote him up dies. PKR didnt vote him first.

According to ThePlex, he is now.

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Dumbest lynch of all time. PKR will die to this. Let Jammy be the first to vote. Funny how she hates neutral king lynches until now, even though it means losing our Prince one way or another.


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I thought dama was first kek

Honestly I’ve stopped giving a shit about this game

I am Greedy I secretly controlled PKR’s Vote. Due to the sheer inclarity of the role apparently it shows that PKR voted on the rolecount even though it was not mentioned as it is meant to be a secret vote.

Please hang me instead.

I am done with these new roles that the Mods are making that have 0 game balance and seem to change how they work every game. If they realised they are not nearly as clever as they think they are and just follow the normal rules we might actually have decent games - case in point the last 3 vanilla FoL games have been complete and utter trash.

Which I don’t want to wait for this happen, this will be terrible blow for the BD than everyone would have anticipated by just killing the king and expect the prince will be ok.

PKR won’t be okay! He will die by guilt that way, check cowardly king role card if you don’t believe me.

Just hang me I’ll side with Butcher if I get the chance anyway.

Bullshit, there are eight votes.

PKR did not even vote for the King.

@Hippolytus has been modkilled at the order and permission of Alfa. He was Greedy

No journal was left

Good lord…

He asked for it, literally ;D

This is the moment he blew his chances.

Now can everyone vote pardon? The last thing we need are two if not three deaths in one night.