SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

with a possible fool i would unless you are defending possible scum

@ThePlex can psycho king start or not i can’t remember?

#Check the possible Class list in the OP

they did in fol7

Good possible fool thought

So the brotherhood only converts, dont know how i feel about that

Brotherhood gain power through control of the votes, they can have 5 in their group at one time.

Nice :smiley:

Wow Thats alot

#It’s a new meta, Me and Alfa like it, this is mainly a test run for the most part.

they cant in this game
the only neutral kings possible in this game are cowardly king, greedy king, mad king

Yeah but I hope there was a psychotic king

no, its not possible. i just said that

I am Merc.

whos your contract? (i believe thats the prove for merc, if its not and thats actually a really dumb move, someone besides noz tell me_

He’s taking too long to reply as to who is his contract

/vote NozBugz

that is no reason to vote. he could have gone to do something that couldn’t wait. we dont know his out-of-internet life

yeah but im still going to vote for him

until he comes back with a reply