SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

nod in agreement

/Vote Rogue

Forward slash vote rogue


Seriously? /vote rogue

/vote Rogue

Uhm, u guys are dead again?

we do this every once in a while

Great, I don’t even think there’s enough active people to get the votes we need. This is perfect >_>

There’s 13 alive
So majority is 13/2=6.5 rounded to 7.
@ThePlex majority has been reached I believe?

Votes on Rogue: Polik, me, Lymph, Fires, Dama, AfterTech, Insanity (In that order)

Maybe we can ping all the people to call them up into the game?

Also /vote Rogue

@Rogue is on trial



/vote Pardon

/Vote Guilty
That’s pretty susp, Braxien.
Mind explaining?

/vote guilty
Butcher is one of the inactive.
We need to slowly kill them off.

/vote guilty
why the fuk not?

Until Rogue defends himself, I won’t be punching the Execution. @Rogue has until the end of the day to defend himself before I start counting votes (EST)

At least let me use my day ability first to confirm myself to you all.

The problem is, we have so many inactives even in the more active part.
There’s almost no chance we’d get to unvote you, let you prove and vote someone else.