SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Someone died and I can finally open my own threads!!

Braixen was found dead in their room! They were the Maid!

They didn’t leave a journal…

Winter is here! Days have been lowered by 24 hours! (1 day = 3 RL days)


This, my friends, is why we always wait for a defense before executing, even if they’ll be executed regardless


Back to square one.

So actually how many members of the Brotherhood are there? When was Frost lynched?


Occupied, must be BH.

“Lymphoma was voted to be executed for Treason. He was the confirmedObserver.” 10/10 would kill my contract again

Um, why didn’t you SAY something?

So since Insanity was occupied then they aren’t the butcher. Good to know.

And they aren’t BH either.

Let’s go over the people shall we?

After Tech is supposedly the Mereceny.

I was confirmed through PKR.

Anyone else?

I’m Princess and I was just just thinking since After Tech is merc they should offer their contract to Fireslol since they are physician. Guard and heals together sounds like a good plan.

So Firesol is the Phyiscan.
You are a yet unconfirmed Princess.
AfterTech is the Merecenary.
I’m BD.

So that’s four people.

We killed two BH.

Including their mastermind, which means that there aren’t going to be any new BH members.

Which means their numbers are set.

Well, I did say that…

Oh, last night’s results- Insanity was killer/offensive

Hmm. Interesting.

Insanity. Care to comment?

you forgot me