SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

It makes no difference.

I have been called “she” before and the world never ended.


Idc Jammy’s gender…

Let call Jammy’s gender undefined?

(No offense)

Jammy’s name is Ruby…


JammySplodge was voted to be Executed for Treason. She was the Butcher.



Send your Night Actions! It is now Night 7!

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It’s Day 8!

Damafaud was killed last night. He was the Associate.

No journal was found.

Day 8 Starts now!

The Constable has found fireslol to be Brotherhood and now has a warrent on him

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Slept peacefully


Now. I believe I know who the last Brotherhood is.

I messed up, fixed it though :ok_hand:

I knew it.

/vote Firestol.

So I had a feeling BH would think I wouldn’t check Insanity twice in a row. What I found was they are now Special/Invest. Seems they got another convert in.

/vote Insanity

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Slept peacefully…

And I kill Dama.

We can have the knight kill Insanity.

Also Firestol has been exposed as Brotherhood.

But I am knight.

Then kill Fanax.

We lynch Firestol.


But I think it might be hard…

As they have a brother.
