SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

its not simon or polik

One of the other bh I guess, or no one

Does that mean he contacted bh?

if he did i would be so mad

Polik, I’m siding with bh

Yes. It does.

Like I said.

You might as well have won.

Just allow us this small victory, then you will win tomorrow.

welp, an unexcepted turn of events just happened

It’s possible he didn’t do any actin

How so?

Only the mercenary knows who he contacted.

He could have just typed /no action


Except he did not.

if he didnt then he still shouldnt be putting up me
he should be deciding what to do. but you two are the last people that were bd sided, so im really confused

Doesn’t the contract we get a confirmation for it?

Yes. I believe.

It doesn’t matter. The fact remains that the Mercenary voted one of the BH up.

yeah, well i’ll get my victory when im dead.

I really should try these more often

Simons siding with bh? FeelsBadMan

No! I’m siding with b d