SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

also /unvote pete

It’s game mechanics that have fucked me up

#game mechanics for life

#Excuse me Mr Big Text?

No big words

wait why is my text supersized?

Far out :confused: you two are too fast for me

Don’t use a #

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how do you even do thoughs

oh that makes sence

@Rogue noz claimed infiltrator
Till they realised there bad
Then claimed Merc
So could be fool

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Rouge xD
Anyway, what do you want me to do tonight?

thats true, but i pretty sure its obvious when evil class is evil

Orginally i thought brotherhood was instead of bd.
Till I got my class card

We maybe subbing out @Icibalus for someone new, details to come.

wait how do you repeat what other people say?

is that a prod?



as said above.