SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!



He/she thought you are the alt of Bob.

Or just someone’s alt.

Did say “we” as in plurals (Multiple people)

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He may have said the community in general and not only him… >.>

I haven’t seen you for quite a while, AfterTech.

I havnt been on here recently

I did mean the community in general :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks to those who have joined :grin:

I hope we can fill in the last 4 slots fast!

If you have any friends, bring them here!

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What is a friend

hold on I’ll just make 4 alt accounts

Let ban you.


You already joined…

Oop, sorry

oh shit theres a simon again lel

A wild Simon has appeared! pokemon battle theme plays

Why is my name AltTech lmao xD

My bump, my bump my bump my bump. My lovely male bump, check it out!

We only need 4 people!

Too kinky try again