SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

If we find Butcher with Prince and Constable alive and a BD king we can’t really lose tbh.

Notice the “BD king”

Simon claimed neutral king

The sweet, summer child he is…


he probably is but we cant really trust a neutral king

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The only time I let a filthy backstabbing neutral live in one of my games was Dama who turned out to actually be BD for some reason :joy:

im not using force fate

in all my tol games, i have never, i mean never seen a neutral king side with bd

but you can still vote

If we have no butler I will gladly be the first to vote Simon and give my life for the BD cause.

i will help bd take down BH, i can guard someone tonight to prove

Also simon did you vote pardon yet?

no, i did not

sorry, i forgot



now all we need is one more pardon to get me off the stand
does pete count even though he left?

welll that answers that

wait, shouldnt it be 7 votes pardon wins, 8 for execute to win
because pardon wins in a tie?

Yeah but their still can be 8 executes so I can still get executed

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