SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Only in a game of ToL is it acceptable to recommend killing yourself when you know you are BD at the moment for the benefit of BD

-mind blown-

please give me a chance to prove myself, and apparently make history as the first neutral king to side with bd


as in, dont hang me, let me help you

A neutral King siding with bd, is a dream, not a reality

i have a very weird play style

not weird to me, that is
just abnormal

Plex saying a new role had to be added and that it would be obvious as to what it is heavily points to him forgetting to make a BH king and retrospectively making Simon one.

Honestly Id have respect for you if you were BH. Are least you don’t hide and cower and backstab us hardworking BD.

Would you vote Pete, he’s gone we don’t want to give plex trouble

#Honestly, if you guys vote Pete up, I would need to find somebody faster to make his defence…

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Hmmmm that may screw us over, butler I think you should poison him

…ok den

why wouldnt he just list bh king in the king section of roles, instead of putting it as “secret”

yeah thats true. so what leads do we even have right now?

ok does that have anything to do with plex’s post, if not, which post(s)
(the poisoning part, that is)

i just thought of a possible lead
hippo, have you claimed?

Don’t think pretty much anyone claimed.

So when we have a replacement for pete we lynch him!

@Simon lead? :expressionless:

actually quite a few have
you, fire, sketch. jammy (i think its jammy who claimed prince), and me of course
basically everyone whos talking a lot except pete and hippo