SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

whats the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, then?

we have the initiate being 1st
we just dont have the list

we know the intiator is the first one the initiate is the second one, so what is the 3rd 4th or 5th one?

They are in order you utter plebeians.

dont know who the initiator is, but if you mean infiltrator, no, they are the 5th, and highest rank
since there is a max of 5 in BH

you think its initiate, the discilpe the brother and then the associate

no, they arent
initiate is 2nd and assocciate is 1st in that case
which we know that isnt true and that
initiate is 1st and associate is 2nd-4th

no hes saying its associate, initiate, disciple, then brother
because thats the order in the class cards

no no no, initiate is the 1st not the second,

i agree
hes saying its in order of the class cards in op
and in op the associate comes before initiate

No. Associate and Leader class start, then the first converted becomes Initiate. The second converted also becomes initiate, but the first converted ranks up to the next class. The third converted also becomes initiate with the other 2 classes ranking up, and the original convert becomes a Brother.

It’s pretty obvious guys

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and after the second initiate, what does the first become?

the first is the mastermind/cultleader

The first becomes the class below initiate


Just read the damn thread darn it.

if thats a joke:
no they start out as prince
if not:
no, those are only for cult/unseen games
this is a brotherhood game

okay heres how i describe it
he’s right
intiatior and asssoicate cannot be upgraded(excepr when intiaior dies associate become intitatior
first convert is intitate, second convert is intitate too, now first convert is discliple, third convert is also intitate now second convert is discliple and first convert is brother.

It’s really not very complicated guys.

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