SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!


Yo, Plex.
Although this is already probably going to throw a ton of suspicion on me.
What roles are immune to being converted or “recruited”?

The usual.

Plus, Constable and Butcher.

So pretty much the same as if it were Unseen/Cult.



What other new roles are in this? Are all the bullshit kings in it?

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i actually like the kings,
its better for the king

The fact that you can’t vote the King or poison him AND he can kill/have special abilities is broken no doubt. Have one or the other.

like i showed in fol7 butler can do the work
only 1 can kill the rest are useful in other ways

Butler can’t kill till D4 now tho

An Observer can literally see a Psyco king kill someone N1 and BD have no way of getting rid of him lol

butler can kill day 2 but it will take the next 2 nights to take effect
n3 they die

Same differnce tbh

tbh it will take awhile to realize its the king anyway

We can’t keep both our changes and ToLs changes it is fundamentally broken. Seeing as ToLs changes are simpler, far more balanced, and better we have to scrap the Kings.

Who even is King?

dont think plex has announced yet

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cracks knuckles and looks menacingly at King

all kings are in effect,
im not king but i despise plex for the class i was given.
plex is in the dog house