SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

a way to remember:
you play a role
you have a class

id hope not

anyways ill be back in a bit
have to go do something irl

Simon now your purposefully playing dumb

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I think we should lynch simon but I’d like to get some more info tonight so I can leave you guys something when I die. Plus Butler doesn’t die to cowardly king so if butler poisons him I don’t have to die.

Today I dunno who is a good lynch I keep goofing so I think PKR should probs lead a push.

Butler dies if he kills coward king

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Keep in mind guys. The first person who votes to lynch the Cowardly King dies.

I told you my role I don’t want to die lol

But simon might be mad king though

Butler can’t die to cowardly king that’s broken.

Then BD have 0 way to get rid of a neutral without harming themselves which is fundamentally flawed.

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in what way

And i stand by the idea that you are literally not letting me work with bd
and that that is probably why
“neutral kings always side with evil”
because you wont let us side with you
by doing things like lynching me day 2 because i might side with bh, you cant even say ill probably side with bh, because you dont know me, and thus making it impossible for me to help bd while alive

Cuz it’s painfully obvious that, even if you are a filthy neutral and not the new role of BH King, you’re just gonna try survive and jump boat at the first opportunity. Cuz why the hell would you put your neck of the line helping BD when it might hurt your own chances. You just won’t. I sure as hell don’t when I’m neutral - I’m just not naive enough to claim it.

because thats the sort of thing i do
because i know that doing that now while not trusted means that i can be more trusted, quicker and easier, meaning that i can help more, increasing my chances so that that method goes from being stupid, to being viable.
the only way to make it viable is to do it when its stupid, and build up trust

ive done a similar thing before

Butler dies from poisoning a Cowardly King? AND we can’t lynch one without consequences? That is seriously messed up.

Somebody fix that

