SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Don’t get me wrong - I want you dead.

We just want Hippo to take the hit right now.

no, i think its butcher becoming king that triggers it
he already said that there is a bh king, although i am not one, and that it was not the “secret” role
think about it,

Can knight kill you?

I used to think their lives mattered untill I was betrayed and humiliated one too many times. That day I swore to myself that I would never show mercy to the sub-human neutrals again, for they know no mercy.

Me? Yes, a Knight could kill me

and then themselves

@Hippolytus Did you already vote for Simon first? I don’t feel like scrolling up

he did vote me
he might have rescinded it, but he was the first person to cast a vote towards me

I’m waiting for @ThePlex to confirm you can be healed. If not I will vote him tomorrow incase of no butler cuz I also want to follow up on something tonight.

if you’re willing to take the hit, hippo, then whats your class?

Fair enough.

He doesn’t need to reveal at this time. The fact he is willing to take a hit is good enough.

I claimed investigative already friendo. I said I wasn’t gonna specify cuz observers keep evils on their toes. Simon do you genuinely think I’m scum or are you just floundering?

If I CAN’T heal Hippo from Cowardly King, I’ll sacrifice myself.

I don’t think a Physician will be very useful with a single killer in the game. I’d have to get pretty lucky, and BH knows I can be converted. So. It might be best if I die.

Can a knight kill a king?

maybe, not if the king guards themself

knight is not allowed to attack the king

jammy, since hippo would trust you more than me, how would you suggest i prove myself?

#@Hippolytus you’re asking if you can be healed from Cowardly Guilt?

#@SadSnake I offered you to replace somebody, you declined, please don’t post in games you’re not involved in.

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The question is if the guilt can be healed, yep.

This answer probably also answers the question of Noble guilt. I’ve never tried to heal a Noble after their twin died.

@Queen_Alfa is the person to ask