SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Fun times when the confirmed physician votes the merc target so can now be killed. If you kill him Noz imma hunt you down.

Butler if you exist poison Simon, I’m confident you don’t die from that unless the Mods have actually managed to destroy the game. If not, I’ll vote tomorrow.

Saying well hang Sketch whatever is tomorrow is goddamn dumb because they’re not gonna convert him then.

Stop voting the merc target ajjddnndn

Noz is probably gonna kill one for you guys cuz he’s Noz.

He can find a new target but if he kills one of us, we will kill him
No one would kill one of us in that position

thats true

BH reminds me of a certain woman’s lingerie.

Do I get your attention? Good.
And good job, voting one person refusing to claim because it’s Day Two. It has been a trend for a few games and is getting annoying. I REFUSE TO CLAIM WITH JAMMY BECAUSE IT’S DAY TWO AS WELL.


Jammy does need to claim though as she has a merc

I don’t “need” to claim

or, its butcher when they become king
constable probably just becomes regular good king, like every other bd

personally, i have an idea as to jammys class, but i will only pitch my idea with her permission

/vote Noz

We don’t want a merc on an evil and seeing as Jammy is not claiming we have no choice.

we’re not lynching Noz






Ehehehehe :wink:

why hippo
it makes perfect sense not to claim, as it is day 2
even if they are bd

#I may have found somebody to replace Ici, just waiting on there confirmation.

PKR voted for Jammy?

Forget the King for now.

We have to hang Noz 100%.

It’s Noz. He is going to rebound the Prince 100%.

I don’t care what Jammy’s claim is anymore. We have to hang the Merc before he kills somebody.

BD cannot lose members to death in order to win this game.


sure, but you were willing to lose somebody when im lynched
and pkr is prince?

We were willing to lose myself or Hippo, not the Prince

/Vote Noz