SFoL6: The Brotherhood - Blue Dragon, Mercenary and Cowardly King wins!

Not really.
Especially if we keep one of the Physicians from being converted by Constable and the Physician on me.
Observer will be on me and if their results make no sense, bye bye

Observer is a really really fuckin’ easy scumclaim

it’s up there with Knight and Princess

riddle me this, PKR, how come your scummiest behaviour happens when you’re a good guy?


Was anyone occupied last night?

Jammy you don’t seem to understand. Just because you know your BD noone else does. We can’t risk having a merc on a BH and you haven’t done anything pro-town.

How are we acting irrationally in any way?


While I agree with this…

An unclaimed role with a “Merc” on them makes that unclaimed role even more suspicious.
This Merc also has a chance to kill our Prince.

Even if you are BD, you shouldn’t have a problem saving Prince from Merc, and you shouldn’t have a problem removing claim space for evils.

Don’t even bring up the “no role list” argument. There are only so many neutrals in this game.

Lynching me is a better idea than Lynching Merc

Lynching actual scum is an even better idea but nobody seems to be considering that right now

Im not voting you cuz I know 100% noz would kill me lol

My main scumread is polik so if we go for scum id happily do him. I think we seem committed to Noz now tho due to PKRs yolo vote.

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I don’t trust Noz enough to give the contract to fireslol or PKR. (the only two confirmed roles)

I want to go for other people too, but you’re right. We have to commit to Noz.

if he doesn’t then he is killed
it would be a really really fucking dumb move and Noz isn’t a cretin

This isn’t a discussion because it’s not happening.

no, we can vote someone besides noz
just put one of the physicians on pkr


I’m just making a point that Noz is a useful class and lynching him is fucking stupid

i have a question
why is hippo not scum?
what has he done to prove it?

He has softed his role a couple of times and he’s offered to sacrifice for the king lynch

Roleblocking is a thing